The purpose of AIESEC Alumni Nigeria Congress is to bring young leaders from around the country and the world at large together to connect with different stakeholders to discuss and act upon the most important global issues.
AAN facilitates smooth participation of her members to other conferences held by other Alumni countries and Regions, as well as the AIESEC Alumni International Conference
AAN encourages its local chapters in Nigeria and in Diaspora to organise social hangouts and gatherings to enable their members in the same cities across the world to meet up, socialize, relate, and look out for each other, as many months in the year as possible.
Reach out to AAN to get information about other AAs in the city you live in, both within and outside Nigeria.
It’s a twice a year programme where all Local chapters across the globe run a Meeting and social event on the same day, and it is interconnected and promoted by AAN via various social media platforms
Would you like to know when the next one would hold?
Contact the local chapter nearest to you or contact, to join the next Global Connect, or to be a host in your city.
Would you like to go to the beach, have a weekend rest or visit interesting places, with interesting people, then join AAN and stay close, and we would keep “Sharing location”
Along the years many of us have gained varied expertise and experiences, which may be useful for others. Our Ubuntu philosophy leads us to want to share knowledge. Who would you want to meet? Who would you want to learn from? Which set of people would you like to mentor, or impact positively on? Let’s talk, create the spark and make things happen.