Alumni to AIESEC

MC Support

AAN supports the MC team in management skills training, MC & LC Programs execution, Conferences chairing, establish policies and procedures, Implement ongoing training. and offering financial support when possible

LC Awards

AIESEC Award Sponsor – N150k per Annum
AIESEC Award Gold Sponsor – N300k per Annum

Getting & Keeping the Best Job

The GKBJ training offers our undergraduates and fresh graduates the opportunity to learn from top hiring managers and consultants in the Banking, Telecoms, Manufacturing , Consulting and a wide range of  industries in Nigeria. 

The aim of this training is to understand the models and range of practical skills and techniques required in the labor market. These skills are central to gaining and keeping employment, as well as career progression, they are the a set of skills, knowledge and person attributes that makes an individual more likely to get work, stay in work and contribute effectively once in employment to the benefits of themselves, the workforce, the wider community and the economy as a whole. 

 In today’s economic climate, employers need graduates who are able to demonstrate well developed employability skills, alongside their academic achievements.  

The training modules amongst others include: 

  • Personal Branding through employability skills
  • Excelling at aptitude tests
  • Mastering the art of interviews
  • Resume writing/job searching skills 
  • Strategic thinking
  • Business communication/presentation skills
  • Personal grooming/etiquette
  • Personal effectiveness provoking productivity.

Benefits of the training:

The training will help young people to:

  • Improve their skills, share good practice and learn from others experiences.
  •  Attend tailored courses specifically designed with them in mind.
  •  Meet colleagues working in the similar environments at other organizations with the aim of transitioning to another industry of choice.
  •  Internship opportunities with necessary work learning experiences to share on your Cv.
  •  Targeted activities and assignments let young people apply their knowledge and get them on their feet to be proactive.

Mentor 4 @ers

The younger generations need as many good guidance and role models as possible, in a world that is filled with so many distractions. AAN sees a role in guarding AIESECers who would wish to relate with Alumni members

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